Dear Members,

Would you like to get involved and help run one of Harvard's largest alumni groups? The Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance (H4A) is comprised of over 8,000 alumni who identify as Asian or Asian American across the university. We have many positions within our all-volunteer appointed leadership team that are open to our members. We are eager to hear about your interests and skills and to explore a role that would fit you. 


One important set of positions is our elected Board of Directors. If you are invested in H4A's work and interested in directing the organization's future, then we invite you to nominate yourself or a fellow Harvard alumnus/a for the H4A Board of Directors by Nov. 14, 2023. 


At this time, 4 seats out of 9 on the H4A Board of Directors are open for election. Two-year terms begin January 1, 2024. 

Please read below for essential information on how to run for H4A Board.


Q: Who is eligible to RUN for the Board of Directors?

You must have a Harvard degree and be able to fulfill all of the duties expected of a Director. You must also have paid H4A membership status by the end of the nomination period at 11:59 PM ET on November 14, 2023.


Those who have selected the free “Basic Membership” option are ineligible to run. 

NOTE: To join H4A or renew: Go to Log in and click on “Join.” (To check your membership status, go to “My Account” under your name.) Any questions about membership should be directed to


Q: What makes someone a good fit for the H4A Board?

Some factors that strengthen one’s candidacy include:

  • Current or prior engagement in H4A and/or Harvard Alumni Association activities
  • Willingness to contribute your skills, time and network as part of the board leadership
  • Engagement with Asian American communities and issues
  • Vision for what you would want to do as part of H4A 
  • A history of working cooperatively and respectfully as part of a team 
  • Ability and willingness to tap into a large network
  • Board/leadership experience 
  • Diversity (in terms of ethnicity, Harvard school attended, age, region, etc.)
  • A track record of success in one’s field 

Q: What is expected of Directors?

Directors are expected to:

  1. Meet in person or virtually about once a month to oversee H4A’s long-term vision and strategy
  2. Take leadership roles in the Summits, events, outreach and other committee work
  3. Vote for every major board vote
  4. Appoint and oversee the H4A Executive Committee, which includes the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer
  5. Approve high-level budget transactions
  6. Provide thought leadership on issues impacting the H4A community
  7. Be an ambassador for H4A 

Q: How does the nomination process work?

Please direct all nominations or questions to by 11:59 PM on November 14, 2023. Nominations ideally would address the criteria above. The ballot will likely include more candidates than the number of seats up for election. However, please note that anyone fulfilling the eligibility requirements stated above may appear on the ballot for the Board of Directors. 


Q: I've been nominated. What's next?

The Nominations Chair will contact you with any further questions and to obtain a short biography and vision statement (total no more than 500 words) and a photograph that will be published on the H4A website, due by 11:59 PM on November 14, 2023. Statements should be submitted in plain text in the body of an email.


Q: How will the new Directors be selected?

Voting will begin December 1, 2023. Per our by-laws, anyone who has paid for or renewed their paid membership of H4A may vote in the election. You must have paid membership status by the start of the voting period on December 1, 2023 to be eligible to vote. Those who have selected the free “Basic Membership” option are ineligible to vote. 


All H4A paid members will be emailed a link to vote electronically. Voting will close December 20, 2023. 


Even if you choose not to run or are not elected as a Director, we encourage you to get involved with H4A in other ways - whether it’s as part of your local chapter or as a member of one of our global committees. For more information, see our website:


Thank you for your interest in taking on a larger role with H4A! Please reach out to us with questions.


Best wishes,


The H4A Nominations Committee