become a member...

Join H4A's network of 8,000 Harvard alumni around the world! Membership in H4A is open to Harvard alumni, students, faculty and staff. The best way for alumni and students to join is to log in to this site first. (In order to log in, you will need to have your "HarvardKey" login name and password; if you've never set this up, go to For HarvardKey help, contact or 617-495-7777.) 


After you've registered, feel free to go to the "Update My Profile" section under your name in the menu bar to add yourself to local chapter mailing lists for NYC, Boston, SF, etc. (beyond the overall H4A mailing list).


H4A is free to join (access to our mailing list, invitations to local and global events). This organization is only able to do what it does because of contributions from members like you! Please consider a tax-deductible donation on this page if you'd like to help us host more events in your city, support out Global Summit, or just help support H4A overall.

If you have any questions about membership, please email Please send general questions about H4A to Thank you for joining us! 

Please select the type you wish to purchase and click the "Continue" button below.
H4A Membership
  Description:  Access to H4A events and communications.
Membership price:  $0.00