



H4A has a large leadership team, with dozens of alumni volunteer leaders and a part-time, paid digital communications coordinator. H4A is governed by a global Board of Directors. Board members serve two-year terms and are elected by the membership. The board appoints the Executive Committee, comprising the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Executive Committee oversees the Management Team, which includes Chapter Heads and Committee Heads. Finally, the President periodically convenes an Advisory Council, which includes past H4A leaders.

2024 Board of Directors

Chair: Athena Lao AB '12

Eva Lum Camp AB '89

Stanley Fang MBA ‘12
Jenny Korn MPP '98
Om Lala AB ‘06 MD ‘12 MBA ‘12
Darshak Sanghavi AB '92
Nina Tao MBA '99
Wilfred Yeung AB ‘05 SM ‘05

Yuhsien S. Wu Ed.M ’15

2024 Management Team

Executive Committee
President: Athena Lao AB '12
Co-Vice Presidents:
Jenny Korn MPP '98, Alex J. Lee AB '06 AM '06 
Eva Camp AB '89
Treasurer: Eugene Shen AB '93

Committee Chairs

Communications Coordinator: Timothy Parent AB '09
Membership Chair: Alex J. Lee AB '06 AM '06 
Mentorship Chairs: Nicolas Xu AB '20, James Kim ALB '18
Regulatory Co-Chairs: Tony Chan JD '03, Hanzi Zhang AB '12-'14
Reunion Chair: Dennie Kim AB '07
Summit Chairs: Alex J. Lee AB '06 AM '06
University Affairs Chair: Margaret Chin AB '84

Chapter Heads

Boston: An Hoang MAR '22, Amy Zhou AB '20 HBS '27
New York: James Kim ALB '18, Eric William Lin AB '09 
Los Angeles / SoCal: Peter Shimamoto JD '85, Hamilton Chan AB '95 JD '99, San Gabriel Valley Sub-Chapter Chair Kenny Chung SM '13
Philadelphia: Xena Wang ALM '22, Matthew Young AB '12 JD '18 MD '19
San Francisco / Northern California: Brian Wei AB '18, Angel Zhou AB '20
Washington, D.C.: Yuhsien S. Wu Ed.M ’15, Vice Chair Divy Kangeyan AM '16 PhD '19, Event Coordinator Wes Lam ALB ‘17

Digital: Jenny Korn MPP '98

Advisory Council

Eric Yeh AB ’98 SM ’98, Founding President
Jeannie Park AB '83, Immediate Past President
Mukesh Prasad AB '93, Past VP
Bill Yao AB '90, Past President

Leadership Alumni

We sincerely thank our leadership alumni for their service in the following positions and for their ongoing contributions to H4A:
Anupam Agarwal MPH '05 - Global Summit Co-Chair (2018)

Neal Adolph Akatuska AM ‘13, ALM ‘18 - Webmaster (2016-2022)

Christine Hu Barchick AB '13 - Students Chair (2012-2014), VP Chapter Development (2014 - 2021), Philadelphia Chapter Founder/Chair (2022-2024)

Rachna Dhanda Balakrishna AB ‘91 - Boston Chapter Co-Chair (2022-2023)

Eva Camp AB '89 - Global Summit Co-Chair (2023)

Doug Chin AB '88 MD '93 - Global Summit Co-Chair (2018), SF Chapter Chair (2017-2021)

Hye-Won Choi AB '85 - Summit Co-Chair  (2014)

Jacki Chou AB ’07 - Communications Chair (2008-2014)

Vicki Chou AB '02 JD '06- Secretary (2009-2013)

Amy Chu MBA '99 - Board of Directors (2014-2019) 

Rui Dong AB ’05 - Program Chair (2010-2012)

Paula Fernandez AB '99 - L.A. Head (2009-2014)

Jia Han AB ‘05 - San Francisco Chapter Head (2022-2023)

Wendy Hanamura AB '83 - Board Member (2020-2023), 2023 Global Summit Production Chair

Kay Hashimoto AB ’98 - Regulatory Chair (2008-2024)

Carey Hsu AB '01 - Membership Chair (2008-2016)

Eugene Kim AB ’01 - Regulatory Chair (2010-2012)

Jinhee Ahn Kim AB '85 - VP (2018-2019); Board of Directors (2017-2019), Summit Co-Chair (2014)

Junko Kim GSE '05 - Outreach Co-Chair (2014-2015)

Nancy Kim AB '97 - Membership Co-Chair (2014-2016)

Wes Lam ALB ‘17 - DC Chapter Vice Chair (2022-2023)

Athena Lao AB '12 - Secretary (2017-2019), Global Sumit Co-Chair (2018), Vice President (2020-2021)

Alex J. Lee AB '06 AM '06 - NY Chapter Chair (2016-2023), Board Member (2017-2022)

Monica Lee AB '88 - Summit Pitch Comp Founder (2014), Board of Directors (2014-2019)

Eric William Lin AB '09 - Board of Directors (2020-2021)

Theresa "Tree" Loong AB ’94 - Alumni Outreach Chair  (2010-2012), Communications Chair (2008-2014)

Lange Luntao AB '12 - Board Member (2020-2023), Secretary (2022-2023)

Diana Miao AB '14 - Secretary (2014-2017)

Ed Park AB '87 - Vice President (2010-2017), Board of Directors (2010-2020)

Jeannie Park AB '83 - President (2017-2022), Vice President (2014-2017), Global Summit Co-Chair (2010), Board Member (2017-2022), University Affairs Co-Chair (2023-2024)

Mukesh Prasad AB '93 - Board of Directors (2015-2021), VP (2017-2020)

Darshak Sanghavi AB '92 - Boston Chapter Co-Chair (2021-2023), Global Summit Co-Chair (2023)

Simi Shah AB '19 - Secretary (2020-2021)

Peter Shimamoto JD '85 - Vice President (2022-2023)

Hideko Tachibana AB '13 - Boston Chapter Chair (2022-2024)

Ojas Tejani AB '99 - Treasurer (2009-2014)

Shwe Win College '25 - Communications Coordinator (2022-2023)

Ivy Yan AB JD '20 - Board of Directors (2017-2020)

Bill Yao AB '90 - President (2014-2017)

William Yao AB ‘21 - Webmaster (2022)

Jeff Yang AB '89 - Global Summit Co-Chair (2010)
Joyce Yan Zhang AB '09 - Public Service Chair (2010-2012), Outreach Co-Chair (2009-2014)

Fang Yuan AB ’07 - Awards Chair (2010-2012)

Jinger Zhao AB ’04 - Program Chair (2010-2012) NY Head (2012-2013)

Amy Zhou AB '20, HBS '27 - SF Chapter Chair (2022-2024)
Yuming Zou AB ’03 - Mentorship Chair  (2010-2012)